Macy and Alex have been diligently serving in the children’s ministry at Center Point Church for many years. When God opened up a path to serve full-time in the children’s ministry, they did not hesitate. Macy grew up just a few miles down the road from the church, and has been part of the church her entire life. She met Alex in 2016, and both have been involved in the children’s ministry ever since. In 2018, the two married, and became one unit with a desire to see children grow closer to the Lord. When approached by the church in 2021 to serve in a leadership role within the children’s ministry, it was not only an opportunity for Macy to become part of her home church, it was opportunity for her to lead out her vision of loving kids to the Lord. Together, they want to instill a culture of faith, family, and friendship within the CP Kids ministry. They want to be able to meet each child where they are at, and help grow their faith one step at a time. By doing so, they will create a lasting fire within the souls of the children that is bursting with a passion and desire to seek the Lord and His word. They are excited to step out in faith and see God work within the CP Kids children ministry right here at Center Point Church.